HilitedRows Function
hilitedRows of <pickList | dataSheet> Applies to datasheets, picklists
The hilitedRows function returns a comma-separated list of numbers that correspond to the highlighted (selected) rows. Hiliting rows in a pickList is slightly different from selecting rows or columns in a dataSheet, because highlighted rows stay highlighted if the user clicks outside the object.
The hilitedRows function is most often used to determine which items in a pickList or dataSheet have been selected by the user.
"table" & return & "bed" into pickList "Furniture"
Now create a new button and put the following handler into its script:
on mouseUp
put the hilitedRows of lst "Furniture" into order if order is empty then
put "No furniture was ordered." else
put "You ordered the following: " into reply repeat with i=1 to the number of items in order
put " " into the last character of reply -- replaces the carriage return
-- with a space
end repeat
put reply end if
end mouseUp
Switch to Browse mode and select one or more pieces of furniture from the list. Click on the button; a dialog box confirming your order appears.
This text has been mechanically extracted from the Oracle Media Objects MediaTalk Reference, © 1995 Oracle Corporation, and is provided here solely for educational/historical purposes.